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Our hearts are fuller for knowing you

BIG BERT          15 YR.

Bert was the horse that started it all for our founder, Kelly Stackpole.  Bert came from the auction at New Holland.  He will be forever remembered for his caring and loving nature.  Kelly had Bert for four years before a sudden and very violent bout of colic.  Bert was humanly euthanized.

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EPONA               12 YEARS

So very sad to only have this girl not 24 hours at the rescue.  Her vet exam showed she did not have an abscess in her foot, but her coffin bone was coming through her sole. This was something that happened a while ago and was not addressed. This was something we could not fix.  We gave her love and dignity before a humane euthanasia.  We did the right thing for her.

WILLOW        22 YEARS

One of our favorite and longest horses with us this "Princess" passed away too soon. Willow was a TB mare and definitely brought sparkle to the farm. 

Artemis          11 years

Artemis was an 11-year old TB mare. 

Alberto         18-20 yrs

Alberto was with us for a very short time but passed away knowing he was well loved.

Holiday         4-5 yrs 

Holiday passed away unexpectedly, she was very well loved. 

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Rising Starr Horse Rescue is a 501 c3 EIN# 47-4027991.

All donations are 100% tax deductible. Rising Starr Horse Rescue is strictly a volunteer effort. All monies raised contribute to the rescue for rehabilitation and retraining of these beautiful animals and to educate the public. Please donate and share to help continue these efforts.


©2018 by Rising Starr Horse Rescue. Proudly created with

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